“Not All Propaganda is Art”  tells the story of three writers who got caught up in the Cultural Cold War between the years of 1956 and 1960: New Yorker writer and “little magazine” champion Dwight Macdonald, British theater critic and “Angry Young Man” Kenneth Tynan, and legendary Native Son novelist Richard Wright, who at this time was living in exile in France in protest of American racism. All three collaborated with and were targeted by American, British, and French security agencies in Cold War propaganda battles over contested intellectual ideas like the critique of mass culture and politically engaged art. 

Personally connecting the dots. All of them.

Theory of Everything plunges listeners into a whirl of art, journalism, fiction, interviews, and exploding pipe dreams. Host Benjamen Walker connects the dots in a world of information overload, featuring conversations with philosophers, friends, and the occasional too-good-to-be-real guest.

If you’re new to Theory Of Everything try starting with one of these series!


False Alarm

Fake news and alternative facts have declared war on the real. How are we gonna keep our mix and fact and fiction going?


In the sharing economy, no one can hear you work. In 2015, your host decided to partner with an official ToE instapoder who drove, shopped, delivered, and manserved.

NY After Rent

The play Rent closed in NY the same year AirBnB came: 2008. Your host confronts the commodification of every square inch of the city.