Six months later and still in France your host tries to make sense of his situation: Refugee? Exile? Retiree? Plus a conversation about the writing life with novelist Todd London whose new book was published just as the Coronavirus shut the world down
Back to School
When your host dropped off his kid at school in France, the child pulled him aside and whispered, “Please, papa – don’t speak! This way no-one will know you can’t parle francais…”
So Benjamen is finally taking French classes.
A Eulogy For Writing
Thanks to the coronavirus, Todd London never got a chance to do a reading from his new book — until now!! Todd a section from If You See Him, Let Me Know about celebrating a president’s demise!
Broken Windows policing is one of the reasons so many people are out protesting in the streets right now.
We revisit CRIME FILES a Police Foundation TV show from the 80s to better understand where Broken Windows comes from. PLUS 30 years ago falling glass from a Trump Tower window struck and killed one of two pedestrians. We go looking for the one who survived.
Crime Files
In 1982, the Police Foundation created a TV show with Broken Windows policing creator James Q. WIlson in the host chair. Here we can see the underlying principles of the theory of policing that dominates today.
White Collar Crime
The following year, Donald Trump killed a man on the street with glass from his tower. A nearby woman was merely injured. Almost 40 years later… does Trump finish the job?
My good friend Sean Cole guest hosted TAL this week and we spoke about my trip to Kenya and going karura so I am going to post the original again to the feed for the folks who may find their way here.
While reporting in Nairobi, Kenya a group of striking Uber drivers turn your host on to a revolutionary strategy of resistance. Plus: stuck in a broken elevator!
Uber Strike in Kenya
Listen as your host meets Captain, struggles to get around Kenya, and finds the Mau Mau Cave in which the freedom fighters hid from the colonial British government.
Curse the USA and America will strike you up. That’s what happened to the Man Without a Country. They stuffed him in a hot air balloon and sentenced him to ride sea to shining sea for the rest of his days. I made my own version of Edward Everett Hale’s classic tale back in the early aughts. It was one of the first long form audio fiction pieces I ever wrote. Sadly, like many items in the ToE vaults the relevance is increasing with age. Here is a condensed remix for your summer 2020 travels, whether it’s a trip across the country or a back and forth from the kitchen to the bedroom. You can find the original 3 part series in the ToE archive.
As statues of slaveholders and Confederate War losers come down, we imagine what could go up in their stead, revisiting a conversation with artist and rememorialization expert Chris Vargas. And since the Trump administration has banned any official raising of the rainbow flag to commemorate Pride month we revisit our audio memorial to the artist Henry Darger.
The artist Chris E. Vargas walks us thru his replacement for the Gay Liberation Monument outside the Stonewall Inn. Hear the full story on Institutionalized.
The cis, white Gay Liberation Monument
Nicki Green's “Forces of Faggotry” -or- Brick as a negotiation of the precarious duality of being seen and burning it all down
Henry Darger's little girls with penises
Henry Darger is one of the art world’s most famous mysteries. Was Henry part of a Gay or Transgender subculture? We have no way of knowing for sure. But Jim Elledge reveals in his biography of Henry Darger, Throwaway Boy that he definitely had a long term serious relationship with a man.
Herd Immunity (Social Distance Learning part v of v)
As the island (and the world) reopens, your host tries his best to join the celebrations, Dr. Lauren Powell explains the risks of protesting during a pandemic and ToE’s special correspondent Chris brings us inside the COVID19 task force!
This Mask Kills Fascists
ToE’s man in D.C. “Chris” tells us what dr. fauci is like in person and the REAL reason the US federal government never got serious about coronavirus testing (i.e. trump is racist).
Abandoned by my own solitude
Benjamen sits at a cafe as the french celebrate déconfinement. Not a lot of masks around… and it starts to rain. Meanwhile, he doubts his abilities as a father when Artaud tells his zoom class that he wants to grow up to be a police officer.
my biggest nightmare
Dr Lauren Powell, head of health care at Time’s Up, tells us about how racism is at the core of both police violence and the coronavirus’s disproportionate impact on black people.
Making The Best Of It (Social Distance Learning part iv)
As the weeks turn into months, one man decides to learn how to cook for himself even though he can no longer taste or smell. ToE’s Andrew Callaway decides its time to get in shape, and your host and Arthaud try to figure out Computer school.
Tasteless Diaries
When Andrew Evans woke up one morning having completely lost his sense of smell and taste, he adapted. This means prioritizing texture and mouthfeel above all else.
Peanut butter, onion, and cabbage taco with hot sauce.
Don’t miss Andrew’s magic show every other friday livestreamed from quarentine at the Magic Patio.
Getting fit for end times
Andrew, struggling with being productive, decides to focus on his body! With the help of a personal trainer he gets his doomscrolling in check.
Remote learning for pre-k
The teachers are doing the best they can, but your host struggles with remote learning for Artaud.
Just before the Coronavirus upended our lives I recorded a conversation with writer Joanne Mcneil about her new book Lurking, a book about the internet. Its actually one of my now favorite books ever written about the internet. I had the show all ready to go for the week of March 15th and then… well everything changed, even our dependence on the internet. Joanne Mcneil’s book feels even more relevant now. Get Lurking here from Bookshop.
Urbanites are fleeing cities for beach communities and small country towns! Tensions are spreading faster than the Coronavirus. Your host turns to the last exhibition he saw in New York (Countryside the Future! from Rem Koolhaas) and the first dystopian film he watched in confinement (Michael Haneke’s Time of the Wolf) for answers. Plus a beach to beach chat with Helen and Martin from the Allusionist!
Île de Ré
The citizens of Île de Ré are not happy with Parisians.
Countryside The Future
The last art show I saw… and will have seen for a long time… is Rem Koolhaus’s Countryside the Future — which my friend brought me to for a hate viewing.
Checkin' in on Friends
I check in with Helen and Martin from The Allusionist as they hole up on a beach in Brighton and Julie Blusse in Amsterdam.
Your host keeps a diary for his first 14 days of Coronavirus confinement. Special appearances from the family, Andrew Callaway, and an old ToE standby!